Calling All Aspiring Young Musicians!

Do you know of an aspiring young musician who could do with a little friendly lift in life?

We are looking for a fresh team to take part in our Pay It Forw4rd mentoring scheme for 24/25. Mentored by the incredible talents James Wright AKA Bananafish/Sea of Cables, Matt Gibbons AKA huske monde and Rael Koiv AKA Rael Koiv, participants will receive year-long training in all aspects of the industry; from studio recording, live sound, lighting, venue management, business skills, professional and personal development, career planning, industry mentoring from the wonderful Barney Jeavons at KickArts UK aaaaand a whole host of work experience and volunteering opportunities.

Participants must be 18-25 years old, be proficient in their instrument(s) of choice, be living or working within Rushmoor and NOT in music education.

Applications can be made via our info site before Friday 12th July. Places are strictly limited and will be offered on our criteria of helping those most at need.


Pay It Forw4rd is kindly supported by National Lottery Grant Funding through Arts Council England. Big nod to them.

F4Wt presents…Collecting Pl4ces

Forward 4 Wiz Trust’s ground-breaking project Collecting Pl4ces celebrates landmarks of cultural heritage in Rushmoor, by showcasing space-specific works written and recorded from the acoustic mapping of locations that build a catalogue of the sociocultural history of the borough. The project was inspired by a 1960 Ordnance Survey map that highlighted huge changes over time. Rushmoor, like many communities within the UK, has lost most of its once thriving sociocultural scene to commercial development. Collecting Pl4ces acts as a catalogue of audio photographs of our shared past, present and future. 

Come and help us celebrate the culmination of our Collecting Pl4ces project celebrating landmarks of cultural heritage in Rushmoor. 

We have something unique planned (of course we do!) in our favourite home, the West End Centre. Come hear the music, find out all about what we’ve been up to this past year. Meet the artists, have a chat and a chill.

Collecting Pl4ces showcases space-specific works written and recorded from the acoustic mapping of locations that build a catalogue of the sociocultural history of the borough.

The project was supported by National Lottery funding through Arts Council England.

Event: Wednesday 1st February, 7:30pm

Tickets: Pay what you decide

Collecting PL4ces is funded by Arts Council England and supported by Hampshire Cultural Trust.

"I really enjoyed my experience with Spaces4sound, it increased my confidence loads with moving forward in recording and performing. I can't wait to do more, and would encourage anyone to get envolved."

- Rachel Thomas

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